Earning NCTRC Credit Hours or Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

All of the sessions are under consideration for NCTRC credit hours. Attendees can earn up to 14.5 hours of NCTRC or CEU credit for attending the virtual TRI.

Relax - It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3

  1. During each session, a code word or phrase will be displayed near the end of each session. Please make note of this word.

  2. At the end of each session, participants will be given a link to the Survey Monkey site. On this site, you will be required to enter the code word for the session and provide input on the speaker and content.

  3. At the end of the live sessions, you will be sent a summary of all the sessions you have attended live.

  4. At the end of the TRI viewing period (June 30th), all your responses will be evaluated and PRPS will send you a final summary of the NCTRC/CEU credits you have earned for your records.