Education Session Descriptions

All sessions will be recorded and uploaded to our 2025 Session Library and YouTube. To receive CEU credits, you must be registered for TRI 2025. For now, you can review the sessions we offered in 2024 to decide if TRI2025 is right for you!

  • Integrating Plants & Nature into your Therapeutic Approach

    Alexis Ashworth

    This free session explores the profound health benefits of connecting with plants and nature through therapeutic horticulture. We delve into evidence-based research highlighting its stress-reducing, cardiovascular-supporting, mental health-preserving, vitamin D-boosting, and social bonding impacts. We also address how it nurtures a sense of purpose and promotes positive coping strategies. Learn about the practice of therapeutic horticulture, how to incorporate it as a therapeutic modality, and discover the training and resources available to recreational therapists.

    This is a free session. Use the button above to register separately.

  • Keynote: Love, Loyalty, Language and Leadership During Times of Chaos and Change

    Christopher Ridenhour

    Three years after the world went sideways, each of us continues to find our direction from the street corners of frazzled and numb. Just imagine the incredible peace you’d experience with the increased ability to influence conversations around you toward optimism and harmony over fear and frustration. Those we’re sworn to serve, as well as our colleagues, are starving for greater connection, strategic compassion, and consistent assurance. It turns out that we’re no different! Mastering our words and emotions, in the midst of all workplace storms, has never been more critical! Here is your Golden Ticket to the “Attitude Adjustment Center” that promises to educate, elevate and resuscitate! Your sanity just called, and it misses you! Consider this a personal invitation to step outside of yourself and examine how your attitude, fears, moods, and actions influence every outcome in your organization. The alarming speed of change requires new tools and strategies to reverse the uncertainty and constant state of overwhelm. Each of us has the potential to become a lightning rod that ignites the passion and purpose in others regardless of shift, length of service, or walk of life.

  • Quality and Innovative Activity Programming

    Cathy Allen

    This session will give participants a unique insight into how to assess the needs of their current program and develop a variety of quality-based innovative programs that will benefit all residents at various functional levels within the facility. The speaker will provide effective leadership techniques to maximize the participation and response levels of all residents involved in programming. Participants will learn fun and innovative activity programs with adaptations that can be used to make activity programming meaningful and ensure it enhances the physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being of each resident.

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Name it, Aim it, and Claim it.

    Christopher Ridenhour

    The trouble started on the first day of employment. During Orientation, HR encouraged us to bring our “whole selves” to work. What were they thinking? We obliged by showing our talents and disparate worldviews, life histories, beliefs, and individual cultures. In theory, we should all get along for the benefit of our residents. Few organizations provide education or training that teaches how to unite around issues that divide the world outside our buildings. Every measure of our success hinges on our ability to cherish and honor EVERY team member. Together, we will problem-solve and identify organizational policies, traditions, and the unwritten rules that sabotage DEI success. What could be more fulfilling than creating a workplace culture that aligns with the mission, vision, and values? Isn’t that the “New Normal” our residents deserve? Wear comfortable clothes. We’ve got some stretching to do!

  • Growing Together: An Introduction to Therapeutic Horticulture and Opportunities for Interdisciplinary Collaboration

    Katie McGillivray with Alexis Ashworth

    Explore the power of Therapeutic Horticulture (TH) and peer reflection in this presentation by Root in Nature. In this session, we will delve into the ways in which recreation therapists can lean into the evidence-based theories and techniques of Therapeutic Horticulture (TH). Discover the profound value of peer reflection, support, and resource-sharing within TH and the opportunities that exist for interdisciplinary collaborations. Gain practical insights and exercises to integrate into your own practice.

  • Living Your Dream: What do recreation therapists and entrepreneurship have in common?

    Vicky Pitner

    Are you limiting your gifts and talents in your current work? Do you have an innovative idea you want to turn into a reality? By identifying your purpose in life and understanding the difference between a small business owner and a social entrepreneur you can decide if you have the passion, persistence and true grit to create your entrepreneurial venture. By starting now, and identifying the therapeutic recreation models that support the specific skill set you need, you really can do the work you love, and the money will follow.

  • VR in Senior LIving: Building Communities to Thrive

    Nick Abruzzo

    Senior living is now primed for accelerated change. The newfound understanding of the importance of social health is paving a unique opportunity for senior living communities to provide something that aging-in-place cannot: a thriving sense of community. In this presentation, Nick Abruzzo will cover how various technologies - ones that are available today - can be used to successfully build communities across the aging lifespan. We’ll explore opportunities to build and grow connections within communities and across physical distances and strategies for enhancing resident engagement, including an up-close look at several technologies -- from virtual reality to robots and telehealth.

  • Step Up Your EQ Game: Embrace Your Inner Colors, Animals, Letters!

    Lesly Birkner

    Emotional intelligence (EI) is crucial for personal and team development. Lesly Birkner, an Authorized Partner and Certified Professional in Everything DiSC and Agile EQ, will delve into the benefits EI can bring to your team and the growth potential. Discover how EI impacts workplace culture, team dynamics, and leadership legacy.

  • Therapeutic is not Therapy: Outcome Based Program Planning

    Amy Beth Cook

    This session will focus on clarifying the relationship between planning, program development, and evaluation and provide concrete steps and resources for the development of outcome-based programs that provide meaningful and measurable results that can be used to adapt and improve programming leading to a more informed and effective service delivery model.

  • Ethics in Therapeutic Recreation: Guides to Better Practice

    Vincent Bonadies

    Serving patients with the highest standard of ethical behavior is paramount for all recreational therapists. A uniform standard of ethical conduct is the basis of our obligations as healthcare professionals. All qualified recreational therapists are expected to practice and adhere to principles that ensure ethical behavior and project a positive image of our profession. These principles constitute the ATRA Code of Ethics. This session will give an overview of ATRA's Code of Ethics and some real life ethical dilemmas and how they are applied to TR.

  • The L.O.V.E. Approach for Creative Engagement

    Vicky Pinter

    The LOVE Approach was developed for families and friends supporting a loved one living with dementia at home, but is applicable to other chronic conditions. Based on several TR models and using an ecopsychosocial approach while listening, observing, validating, and engaging, you can implement these strategies into your practice. By teaching families the power of self-efficacy and identifying existing skills and developing new skills, creative engagement is possible and families can begin living a life of quality.